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Secret Weapons to Increase Sales

March 28, 2024 @ 10:00 - 12:00 EDT

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This Workshop will teach you about four motivation traits that are critical in any sales situation and that provide important information about an individual’s motivation needs.

You will learn how to identify the traits, find out the information the traits reveal, how to interpret the information, and how to use it immediately
to motivate and influence people.

You will learn how to do this in normal conversation; however, examples will be given to show how these techniques can be applied to other communication mediums: for example print and audio.

While the focus of the workshop is on sales and sales conversations, these techniques can be applied in any situation and examples will also be drawn from other situations.

After taking this workshop, you will be able to more effectively motivate and influence anyone in any situation.


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March 28, 2024
10:00 - 12:00 EDT
Event Categories:
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Gregg Hannah – Transformational Learning Solutions
647 988 4734
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How to Say No and Have Everyone Like it


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Creating Your Circle of Excellence

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The Excuse Buster Workout



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