Coaching Services

I provide coaching services for individuals, and business.
My foremost aim with every client is to assist them to develop their KNOWLEDGE, their EMPOWERMENT, and their EXCELLENCE.
I believe that everyone is unique and I will work carefully with clients to develop a plan suited specifically to their needs.
Coaching is partnering with a client in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires the person to maximize their potential. A coaching relationship exists when the coach and the client have entered into an agreement or contract that defines the responsibilities of each party.
A Coach should be trained and certified by a recognized coaching organization, be able to describe the core competencies they have and be accountable to a recognized and public code of ethics.
I am a board-certified master coach, certified by the American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP) Coaching Division (Membership # N60887).
Transformational Learning Solutions is an approved institute of the ABNLP – Coaching Division.
My Master Coach training & certifications meets, or exceed standards in the all the ICF core competentcies.
I have signed a formal statement to be bound by the ABNLP’s Code of Professional Ethics, which I make freely available to my clients.
Business Coaching
Business coaching provides busy business people with affordable services that deliver rapid and sustainable results that meet their specific needs.
1-on-1 Coaching
Are you stuck in the same old, same old?
Do you want to move your business or your personal life to a new level?
Do you want fast, proven, and sustainable results?
Customized 1-on-1 Coaching Programmes are for busy business people in high pressure, demanding environments. They are designed to assist them to quickly overcome their road blocks and achieve the highest level of success.
After an initial consultation to assess your needs, a coaching programme specifically tailored to your needs will be proposed. Business Coaching programmes typically range from 4 to 12 sessions.
The Business Barriers Breakthrough is the premium 1-on-1 coaching programme that comes with a written results guarantee.
Group Coaching
Would you like to get coaching for your entire group at the same time?
Group coaching is a cost effective method of delivering coaching to a wide group of people. It is designed for mid–level executives and managers, sales teams, etc. The coaching is done in a comfortable, safe and confidential setting.
The size of the group is dependent on the topic and the intentions set out for the coaching sessions. Normally, the maximum group size would be about 20 people. The total number of sessions will vary depending upon the topic and the intentions. One, 2-hour session, once a week, for 3 to 6 weeks is the norm for most group coaching topics.
Some of the popoluar topics for group coaching are:
Better Communications Skills – Work place and Personal
Sales Communications Skills
Stress Reduction and Management Skills
S.M.A.R.T Goal creation and installation
Personal business values discovery
Organizational Values alignment
If you have a specific coaching topic in mind that you would like your group to benefit from contact me to discuss how I can assist you.
Coaching & Training Packages
Business Coaching & Training Packages provide busy business people with a range of options for achieving their goals.
How it works:
Each package has a specified number of units. There is a menu of Elements that you can include in your Coaching & Training Programme. Each Element has a unit “cost” associated with it.
You decide what Elements you want in your Coaching & Training Package up to the maximum number of units allowed for your Package.
Check out the packages and the Elements you can choose from.
Laser Focus Coaching Call
Have you ever had a conversation with a client or customer that went horribly wrong?
Would you like to be well prepared for meetings or conversations?
Would you like to have the best strategy ready to achieve your goals?
Consider a Laser Focus Coaching Call
Things a Laser Focus Coaching Call will help you with:
Sales Conversations
Networking Conversations
Challenges with customers/clients or staff
Strategy for a presentation, meeting or follow-up call/meeting
Strategy for how to approach a potential customer or client
Marketing Challenges – What to say and how to say it
Anticipating objections and having a plan for them
What you get:
30 Minute initial Call
90 Minute Coaching call
15 Minute follow-up call
Contact me to discuss your Laser Focus Coaching Call
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Creation and installation is for busy business people who want to ensure they reach their goals quickly and efficiently. I often incorporate S.M.A.R.T. goal coaching into other coaching programmes but it can also be effectively used on its own.
For example: a salesperson has a sales target they wish to make by the end of the year.
S.M.A.R.T. goal planning can be used to make sure they achieve their target!
I will:
- Help you create your S.M.A.R.T Goal
- Help you develop your initial action plan to realize your goal.
- Use Creating Your Future ™ techniques to install your S.M.A.R.T. Goal in your unconscious mind.
Personal Coaching
Do you want to make changes in your life?
If you do then I can help you make the changes, feel better, and have more control in your life.
Life Coaching - Take a look at what I can help you with
Accepting Change | Adaptability Issues | Anger Management |
Change of Position | Commitment Issues | Career Development |
Company/Business or Personal Positioning | Communicating Emotions | Communication Issues |
Conflicts and Conflict Resolution | Critical Thinking Skills | Cultural Differences |
Decision Making | Emotional Intelligence | Feeling Left Out or Left Behind |
Gender Communication | Health & Wellness Choices, | Job Selection |
Language Precision | Leadership Competencies | Learning Issues |
Meditation | Modeling for Excellence | Motivation (Self and Others) |
Nervousness | Performance Enhancement and Other Issues | Personal Organization |
Presentation Skills | Process Coaching | Project Planning |
Relationship Issues | Relaxation | Role Issues |
Self Esteem Issues | Social Skills | Negative Emotions |
Stress Management | Test Anxiety | Time Management |
Goal Setting & Achievement | Work-Life Balance |
. . . and much more! If you don’t see it specifically listed it doesn’t mean I can’t help you. Just ask!
I offer a FREE phone consultation. Contact me to discuss how I can help you
1-on-1 Coaching
Are you stuck in the same old, same old?
Do you want to move your personal life to a new level?
Do you want fast, proven, and sustainable results?
I offer three Level of Coachining Programmes
Silver – 4 Sessions
This package will achieve two or three specific behavioral changes.
For Example:
You might wish to stop eating a certain foods, increase your confidence in certain situations, or improve your study habits. This coaching package is designed to affect these types of specific changes.
Gold – 8 Sessions
This programme includes what’s in the Sliver programme and adds one specific behavioural strategy change.
For example:
Binge eating is a behavioural strategy that could be dealt with.
Platimum – 12 Sessions
This programme is a full personal breakthrough designed to effect both specific and general change over a range of behaviours. It is designed for people that want to make significant, profound, and lasting changes in their life. The most significant difference in the packages is that the Platinum package offers a written guarantee that the agreed outcome will be achieved.
Specific Issues Session
A Specific Issues Session is a highly focused session to deal with a very specific issue. For eample you may have to travel by air but have a fear of flying, or you may have to give a public speach but but have a fear of public speaking.
What you get:
A 15-30 minute phone interview to determine and clarify the issue
I won’t do a Specific Issue Session without the phone interview as I need to make sure that what you want to deal with is a specific, single issue and that we can deal with it in a single session. I also need to clearly understand what it is you want to deal with so that I am fully prepared to maximize the change work done during the session.
A 90-minute Session – Video or Phone call
I will employ the necessary techniques to help you make the desired changes and teach you appropriate techniques that you can use to deal with your specific situation.
15 Minute Follow up Video or Phone Call
You can use this call right before the event that you need to deal with to touch up the techniques or you can call after the event to celebrate how well things went.
Contact me to discuss your Specific Issues Session
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Creation and installation is for people who want to ensure they reach their goals quickly and efficiently. I often incorporate S.M.A.R.T. goal coaching into other coaching programmes but it can also be effectively used on its own.
I will:
- Help you create your S.M.A.R.T Goal
- Help you develop your initial action plan to realize your goal.
- Use Creating Your Future ™ techniques to install your S.M.A.R.T. Goal in your unconscious mind.
Train to Become a Board-Certified Coach
Get the NLP Practitioner Certification Course Brochure
This training allows the successful graduate to become Board Certified in the leading fields of Executive and Life Coaching, as well as NLP, TLT/CYF and Hypnosis. International Coaching Federation (ICF) standards are met and exceeded.