A Genie and Three Wishes

A Genie and Three Wishes

MANY YEARS AGO I was in a suq in the Middle East when I came across this very interesting bottle. It was very dusty and I couldn’t really tell what colour it was so I started to rub it to get the dust off. There was a flash of light, a puff of smoke, and there...

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Communicating In an Imperfect World

Communicating In an Imperfect World

If people you are communicating with just don’t get what you are trying to say they are not from a different planet nor are they idiots. Their model of the world is just different.

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Time is Money – Or is It?

Time is Money – Or is It?

Time is perhaps our most precious resource. Once we "spend" time we can never get it back! Much consideration is given to not wasting time. In business this is most often reflected in the adage: Time is money  The assumptions embedded in the idea that time = money are...

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Sales – It’s all about Rapport

Sales – It’s all about Rapport

No matter what you are doing in your life - whether it is on a professional or  personal level, whether  you are a business owner, a parent , a doctor, politician, teacher  or any combination of these "titles" you are selling something.The art of sales is all about...

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Are You the Carrot, the Egg or The Coffee?

Are You the Carrot, the Egg or The Coffee?

A young man went to his grandfather for advice. The grandfather puffed on his pipe and listened as the young man described how hard and difficult his life was.  Nothing seemed to be going well for him. As hard as he tried, as soon as he solved one of his life's...

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Imagination  VS  Willpower – Which one wins?

Imagination VS Willpower – Which one wins?

How many times have you heard someone say, “Just put your mind to it,” or “if you have enough will power you can do anything.” Many people believe they could improve their lives if only they had more of that mysterious thing called willpower. With more willpower they...

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Quick Tip for Instantly Improved Conversations

Quick Tip for Instantly Improved Conversations

Good communication is the key to success. Without good communications, confusion and chaos reigns. Clarity and purpose flow from good communications. While any communication can get results, clear and purposeful communication is powerful and much more likely to get...

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Going Beyond Psychometric Testing in Pre-Hiring Screening

Going Beyond Psychometric Testing in Pre-Hiring Screening

"Good people don’t underperform due to the wrong personality, the wrong behaviors or some Quixotic definition of culture fit or lack of intelligence or weak team or technical skills." Lou Adler in his post “Why Good People Underperform”, 20 Oct 2015 points out several...

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There are only two true choices in how we see our lives.

There are only two true choices in how we see our lives.

As Master Yoda explained: “There is no such thing as TRY. There is only DO or NOT DO.”  To “try" and do something is to admit that you have already failed. You can’t try to pick up a coffee cup. You either pick it up or you don’t. And so it is with life. You either do...

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My Rules or Your Rules – Either or?

My Rules or Your Rules – Either or?

I was reading Jian Shuo Wang’s (CEO at Baixing) post “Should I Follow Your Rules or Should You Follow Mine? on LinkedIn the other day. (The post can be found here.) The gist of the post was that he hired a contractor to do some masonry work and the contractor and he...

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This Self-Hypnosis course is excellent for anyone who wants to create lasting change in the areas of personal development, career, relationships, or health.

Prior knowledge of hypnosis is not required.

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4 Quick Tips


Instantly Improved Communications




How NOT to -

To Get your BUT out

The HOW & WHY of Problems

The real 7/38/55% Communcations Rule

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How to Say No and Have Everyone Like it


Find out the five things you need to do right now


How to find out what your boundaries really are

How to set and communicate your boundaries so everyone knows

How to stand firm with your boundaries

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Creating Your Circle of Excellence

Learn how to transfer confidence to any situation you need it in

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The Excuse Buster Workout



Learn how

To blow out your excuses

To stop procrastinating 

Start getting things done


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